Leadership Citrus, a Citrus County Chamber Committee, is an annual program designed to enhance the leadership potential of individuals living in Citrus County who are involved in business, professional and community service activities.
Through an intense program of lectures and structured activities, participants will become familiar with current issues, community resources and other factors influencing the quality of life and direction of Citrus County's future.
Founded in 1991, Leadership Citrus is a highly successful community leadership program which brings together individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences from both the public and private sectors. The Leadership Citrus program is designed for those who have demonstrated the talent, interest and desire required for involvement in community leadership roles.
Through discussion and interaction with established community leaders, as well as various experts, participants will have a unique opportunity to examine the social, political and economic factors affecting community life. This program holds unlimited potential for enhancing our community by preparing and motivating its participants.

We invite you to be a part of this unique educational opportunity.

2025 Class Schedule:
January 8 - Welcome | June 12 - Class |
January 9 - Teambuilding | July 10 - Class |
February 6 - Class | August 14 - Class |
March 6 - Class | September 11 - Class |
March 20 - Legislative Day | October 9 - Class |
April 10 - Class | November 13 - Class |
May 8 - Class | November 14 - Graduation |
Application Deadline: November 1st, 2024

Participation Fees:
Chamber Member: $650
Non-Chamber Member: $750
Qualifying 501(c)3 Charitable Organizations (Chamber Member): $550
*Please note fees are all inclusive for class activity costs, lunches, and refreshments as needed.

Leadership Citrus Board of Governors:
Eric Head (Chair)
Christina Reed (Vice-Chair)
Terry Jolly (Secretary)
Heather Fritz (Financial Liaison)
Craig Stevens (Immediate Past Chair)
Debbie Rielly
Kristi Bortz
Melissa Bowermaster
Kelly Carpenter
Sunshine Arnold
Melissa Wood
Interested in Becoming a board member?
Engage in molding future leaders in Citrus County.

For more information, please email LeadershipCitrus@CitrusCountyChamber.com